Monday, April 2, 2012

Proverbs 3:5-6

There once was a woman
Who'd forget that her God, 
Had told her that He'd guide her
Through every step she'd plod. 

She tried to follow faithfully, 
But always did forget, 
In each new situation, 
That He hadn't failed her yet. 

She'd come to Him with worry, 
Fear and anxiety, 
And He would remind her, 
"You need to trust in Me."

So that would calm her worry, 
But only for a time, 
And once again she would forget, 
And fear would cross her mind. 

But this God of hers was faithful, 
And instead of giving wrath, 
Told her that if she'd let Him lead
He'd still direct her path. 

So she tried and tried again, 
In each un-trusting battle, 
And though she is a failure, 
Her God is more than able!

I'm not sure if you have guessed, 
But it may be clear to see, 
That woman who does struggle
Is obviously me!

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