Monday, July 30, 2012

They're Here!

     For all of those who were thinking and praying, the boys have arrived! Their flight showed up at about 11:20-ish last night, and it was so hard to have to wait until they got off the plane, waited on immigration line, and picked up their luggage. From the waiting area in the Lusaka airport you are able to see people once they get through immigration, and as they went to pick up their luggage, had not several security officers been standing at the waiting area door, I just might have been tempted to  run over to the luggage area to say hello!

     Today (in a couple of hours) we are going to jump onto a bus that will, Lord willing, take us to Livingston, and then on Friday we'll be heading back up to Lusaka, and then all the way up to Sakeji! 

     Please keep us all in prayer as we'll be traveling quite a bit over the next few days, and I'll do my best to keep you posted on how, and where we are!

     P.S. I haven't really looked yet, as we went to bed pretty late, but I peaked at the bag full of stuff. Thank you all for everything! I'm excited to open it up for real and thank you properly, but I guess that will happen a little later!

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