Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some highlights from the past few weeks

I realize that I haven't been a very good blogger this month...probably due to a lot going on with the school side of things. That's a really good thing, I'm not complaining! I'm really enjoying working with the second graders full time, and a bit with the third grade. They are a precious group, in spite of their occasional naughtiness, their aches and pains, and their constant goofing around in class. It's crazy to think that I've already been their teacher for almost a year! Time sure flies! 

As I was downloading some of Yolanda's pictures on my computer yesterday, I realized how many events have happened over the last few weeks that I never blogged I've posted a few pictures below. :)

A few weeks ago Jessica, Yolanda, and I went for a picnic off station. I realized that it had been my first time off station in a while, and we had a really nice time just chatting and relaxing. 

Half term happened last weekend, and we all had an excellent time down at the pool, and playing games with the kids. We had a staff vs. student baseball match, and I was thrilled, since I really miss baseball games after church!

Birthday  Party was at the beginning of this month. The theme was Wonders of The World...and I went as a tourist.

Last Friday night we had the grades 7 - 9 over at our house for games. It was a pretty tight squeeze with 24 people total in the living room, but it was a great time. 

One of the many beautiful Sakeji sunsets! Even though we have a breathtaking sunset nearly every night, I always am so awed, and I love telling the students to look at them...usually they are awed as well. 

Well that's all for now...hopefully I'll do better next month!

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