Saturday, December 29, 2012

I said yes!

Well....I might not have blogged about this right away, but on December 15th Chris took me to my favorite spot in the whole wide world (by the Hudson River at Vanderbilt) and asked me to marry him. I always thought that when I got engaged I would calmly and collectively give some sort of romantic speech, but as it turns out I just hurredly took off my gloves, put the ring on my finger, and quickly said "YES!".

Chris and I are really excited to get married....but we know that we still have a lot to do before that happens. A few more days and I'll be heading back to Africa for another year, and Chris will be working and finishing up college.

Seeing him everyday has been such a wonderful thing, and I'm not sure how we're both going to survive, but I guess a lot of prayer and love and skyping will do the trick.

I have never been so excited about anything in my life, and I can't wait till the day I get to marry the love of my life, Chris Blue.

Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm going home...

     Well...the last few days have been a blur as we've finished school, packed the kids up, and now I'm getting ready to go home for a visit as well! I've been running around like a chicken with my head chopped off trying to get my house clean, my school responsibilities finished, pack my bags, spend time with people, write thank you and Christmas cards...the list goes on. :) Somehow though, God has been providing the necessary time to get everything done, my suitcase is halfway packed, and I am starting my long trip home tomorrow morning! I can't wait!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Six days and a wake up....

     Well, in less than a week's time I'll be back in New York's pretty crazy to think about that. I've almost finished all of my work for the term (just a few more awards to prepare before tomorrow), and have only one more busy day to get through which is Wednesday, the final day of term. 

      I've been receiving count down emails every day from my little sister, and Chris has been counting down for a while now! Even though I see the number every day, I am still surprised that there are only six more days (I'll be home on the night of the seventh day) till I'm finally home! I'm so excited to see everybody!