Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Thankful Heart!

Another Thanksgiving is here, and once again I've been so blessed by the other staff members and children here at Sakeji. 

As I walked into my classroom this morning, I found it all decorated for Thanksgiving by the grade 1 teacher. She's crazy! She came up with this idea over a month ago, and had secretly gotten my kids to help make the decorations and write me little thankful notes. Such a surprise! It just about brought me to tears. 

We also had the second annual Pie Social at Sakeji, several of the ladies brought their favorite pie, and it was a pleasant evening, playing a group game, eating pie, and watching an episode of Duck Dynasty. Go America!

This morning as I was explaining to the grade 2's and 3's what Thanksgiving is all about, one kid raised their hand and said, "So, do we tell you 'Happy Thanksgiving' because it's American?" 

Being away from home on Thanksgiving always leaves one sad, and homesick...but with the friends and family that I have right here at Sakeji my heart is overflowing with thankfulness!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Keeping My Head in the Game

Unbelievably we are winding down to end of term! The next two weeks are pretty big and important, full of the usual end of term deadlines, and this time a whole bunch of goodbyes. Some of my duties done daily or weekly won't be missed too much, but at the same time there are moments when I look around at my class and realize that this last few weeks will be very sentimental, and that I will look back on those moments with fondness and sadness. 

I've begun my last round of report cards, and also started to decorate the classroom for Christmas. The kids are thrilled, and I'm appreciating the homey touch Christmas decorations add to a classroom. 

The count down's begun, and the kids are checking out...a bit earlier than I expected (like usual, my teacher self isn't quite ready to let them turn off their brains just yet!), and I realize the challenge that lies ahead for me is keeping my head in the game for just a few weeks longer!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Inquisitive Minds

"Miss Garcia? Are you on a diet?"

"Ummm, no. Why?"

"Because your multi-vitamin bottle says on it 'dietary supplement'."

This conversation has taken place twice...both times asked by grade 7 boys! :) I'm glad that the world is filled with kids, their inquisitive minds, and their blunt questions. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Grade 3 Logic

This conversation took place while lining up this morning for class:

Grade 3 student: "Miss Garcia? Are you a girl, a lady, or a woman?"

Me: "What do you think?"

Grade 3 student: "Well, you can't be a woman until you're married, so I guess you're still a lady."

I'm certainly going to miss the funny, entertaining, and very strange questions that often come up! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Real Thing

I find when hearing about all the technological advances being made, I am almost freaked out by the type of things that modern technology can do. The minds behind this stuff must be very intelligent and adventurous. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the rapid change of times, and electronics...and the type of things you can do with electronics. But here's a thought that never occurred to me until this morning. 

Ok, so internet, skype, and texting, and all that stuff is wonderful (or at least it can be!). If it weren't for Skype I'm not sure I'd still be engaged to Chris and living in Africa. I'd probably be either engaged, or living in Africa, but probably not both. I have loved being able to talk to (and see) my nephew online, and stay in contact with my family and friends. 

But, even with some pretty high tech and amazing tools, there's still something missing. I still can't wait till the next chance I have to see the people I love, and who are dear to me, who I can touch, and hear their voices clearly...and just the different things that you miss out on when writing or talking online. 

It made me realize that the God who created the "real thing" is so much more creative and intelligent, and adventurous than those smart, nerdy, technological guys. They can do amazing things, don't get me wrong, but they will never be able to compete with the awesome creations of God. made me realize that missing people is ok, and even makes me feel a bit good. I'm glad that the internet can't fix my craving for wanting to see people in person. God's creations are so much better than mans' creations that it leaves us wanting, missing, and counting down the days till we next get to experience the real thing. 

And just as a side note, heaven isn't going to need skype. :) 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Wedding planning...from Africa

A corny poem, based off my wedding plans, or the lack of any wedding plans...whatever.

The more that I think and the more that I plan
The more I just see things fall through,
The longer we wait and the longer we love
I see that any old wedding will do!

To me what's important is how you will smile
As I walk down the aisle towards you,
So instead of it mattering in which church we wed
Any old aisle will do. 

Some people want fancy, some people want formal
But me, I just want to be Blue,
I want to have fun, be relaxed, be myself
So any old place will do.

The church and the pastor, the meal and the fluff
The music and photographer too
Make little impact on the rest of our lives,
So any old wedding will do!

At the end of the day when everyone's gone
We'll be one when we used to be two,
And we'll be together for the rest of our lives
So....let's just get married, and not stress about everything else. :)