Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Countdown!

Near to the end of term (and in some cases not so near to the end of term) the kids start a countdown till the break, and pretty soon everyone is counting down along with them! I've even got it up on my chalk board this term....11 more days!

The rules for the countdown are pretty funny. You can't count today, and you can't count the day that they go home, and often they don't want to count the last day of classes either! (Some kids also try not to count the weekends!)

I was one of those kids who always tried to make things sound bigger or more than they really were so that I'd be pleasantly surprised when they were finished earlier, or sooner than I was expecting. I think I often still am like that!

But I guess, this term, I'm happy to follow the rules, and make end of term sound as soon as possible too. I'm in disbelief how close we are to end of term, and trying to figure out where the term went, but just as happy for a break as the kids! 11 more days, and I can catch up on sleep!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Or nieces, or nephews for My sake....

     Well, this morning I had four emails in my inbox telling me about the birth of my newest little nephew, born last night (in my time zone, six hours ahead of the states)! He sure looks like a cutie from the pictures that I've seen of him, but pictures just don't really cut it when I know that I have to wait another four-ish months till I get to see him and hold him!

     I guess the verse Matthew 19:29 has kept popping up in my mind today..."And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life." (NKJV)

     No, I'm not giving up as much as the original disciples gave up for Jesus, and I'm certainly not giving up as much as many other heroes of the faith past and present have given up, but every once in a while I guess I need to be reminded that the small sacrifices that I do make for the kingdom are seen as very important in God's eyes. And that's encouraging. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Today while I was trying to get some work done in my classroom (I was attempting to multi-task, and memorize Bible verses and grade math at the same didn't work so well) I was taken with the beauty of this tree right outside of my classroom window. It's just blossomed, and there were birds flying around from flower to flower. For a few minutes I was just caught up in the amazingness of this creation, and the poem "All Things Bright and Beautiful" just kept going through my mind! What an incredible God we serve! What an amazing creation He has made! 

A somewhat poor attempt of a picture of the beautiful birds that are often outside my classroom.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looking forward to always being Blue

Since the beginning of this term the kids started calling me "Future Mrs. Blue", or "Mrs. Blue to be", which is now often just dropped to "Mrs. Blue"....I don't mind being called "Mrs. Blue" at all, since, pretty soon it will be my name (besides, then I have an excuse to think about getting married!)!!! They always enjoy calling me that too...I think that the idea of one of their teachers getting married is just an exciting thought and thing to think and talk about. 

Today I had to smile though, as I was wearing a brown dress, and one of the second graders said, "Hello Mrs. Brown." 

Hmmmm.....I'm not sure if he was clever enough to think of a witty joke, or if he really thinks that my last name always matches what I'm wearing! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Grade 2's Hard at Work

...Well, sort of hard at work anyway! Just some snapshots I took during math class this morning. These are the smiling faces that I get to see on a daily basis...they are usually smiling that is! :)