Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God's little encouragements when I need them most

     These past few days have been pretty stressful and challenging...partly because we are at the hardest part of the term, partly because I've never been away from home this long before and so I'm getting homesick, and partly because I'm missing my Chris. 

     Anyway, I've had a few sweet little things happen lately that have been encouragements to me and little boosts to keep me going, but I'll just share two. 

     Apparently the kids at the orphanage were playing house the other day, and decided to role play real people. Some of them decided to be "Mama Hannah" (and play guitar), and a few other ones wanted to be "Mama Jessica"! It was so sweet to hear about that, and to know that even though my work at the orphanage is pretty small and insignificant, it is still making an impact (however small) on these kids! And that's encouraging! 

     The other thing was the sweet piece of paper that I found on my seat this morning at breakfast. One of the seventh grade girls had decorated a piece of paper with lyrics from many of the songs I have taught them in Assembly times! Some of the songs were all the way back from first term, and we haven't sung them in a while! It was just cool to feel so loved and accepted by one of the students, and to know that maybe those Scripture songs that I've been trying to teach since term one are really stuck in their brains, and maybe really will make a difference in their lives!

      These little acts that I've seen, coupled with some other encouragements from other people have just reminded me how loving and faithful God is, and how even something as small as my stressful weekend is not beneath His notice!

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