Friday, December 6, 2013

A few hundred goodbyes.

     Well, somehow we all made it through the last few days of school. Third term is always so much more full than the other end of terms, but now, unbelievably, it's all over. Yesterday came the time to say goodbye to all the kids, which wasn't easy, but a relief to have it over with. 

     Now I'm working on packing, cleaning up my classroom, and spending time with people here: staff, kids at the orphanage, other friends I've made out here. I hadn't figured just how many goodbyes I'd have to say, and how many relationships I actually really do have. Even working in my classroom I'm finding I'm saying goodbyes.  

     I'm grateful for God's grace over the last few weeks, and I'm definitely feeling the prayers of those who are remembering me this week! Closing out two years of one's life isn't easy, but at the same time, I'm excited for the future!

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you as you spend your last few days there! *hugs*
